Farmers Market

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Every Tuesday 9AM-1PM • Grandville Pavilion • June – September

The Downtown Development Authority is proud to sponsor the Grandville Farmers Market. The market provides a venue for local growers to sell their produce and other seasonal goods. Come support our local growers!

PLEASE NOTE: Market spots are rented to produce, food, beverage and hand-made artisan products. Spots may NOT be rented for other goods or services.


Reusable market bags can be purchased at the Farmers Market for $1.00.


Market Master: Theresa Meendering
(616) 724-1909


Every Tuesday (June-September)


9:00 am – 1:00 pm


Public parking lot behind KDL Grandville Branch under our new pavilion structure.

Bridge + SNAP + P-EBT

Bridge + SNAP + P-EBT

The Grandville Farmers Market is part of the SNAP program. If you have a Bridge Card or P-EBT Card, you can visit the Market Tent, swipe your card and get tokens in $2 increments to purchase approved food products at the market. You can also double up a maximum of $20 per market day for even more fresh foods. For more information on the Double Up Food Bucks Program go to
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Events Calendar


Being part of the downtown community has impacted our business in so many ways. Not only do we get a lot of vehicle and pedestrian traffic, but we are also connected with the other downtown businesses. It’s a great community to be part of. We all have the same goals to make Grandville a great place.

J.R. & Dr. Ronda VanderWall

Owners of Dynamic Family Chiropractic

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