A city with an emerging urban vibrancy guided by a SMALL-TOWN sense of community

Grandville Top View

DDA Projects

Since its creation, the DDA has been involved in over 21 projects with an approximate investment value of over $5.7 million. These projects include:

  • Farmers Market Pavilion and Green Space
  • Chicago Drive Streetscape
  • Buck Creek Trail Connection to the Grand River/Kent Trails
  • Multiple parking lot improvement projects
  • Property acquisition and redevelopment projects
  • Landscaping projects
  • Façade improvement program
  • Landscaping maintenance
  • Farmers Market
  • Pedestrian improvements
  • Public art

Events Calendar


Art & Chocolate Walk

The DDA displays art from Grandville schools in downtown venues alongside chocolate & beverage samples. Musical performances, interactive art stations & artistic expression throughout the evening.


We love being a part of the Downtown Grandville events and connecting with our community! It’s a great opportunity to meet new and current customers. We love to share about Changing Thymes and all the unique & amazing items we have to offer in our 2 shops! The strong community connections these events build with other fellow business owners and patrons is a true positive impact on us all. There is a sense of pride that comes with being a part of these events as well as a lot of crazy, fantastic memories!



Owner of Changing Thymes

DDA Newsletter

Are you a Downtown Business looking to stay up to date on Downtown Happenings? Sign up here for the quarterly newsletter.


Grandville Downtown Development Authority

The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is responsible for facilitating growth and development in Grandville’s downtown area to ensure its stability in the Grandville community.

The DDA is also responsible for maintaining and improving physical attributes of this designated district, generally located downtown and along the 28th Street and Chicago Drive corridors.

The DDA meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at 8:00 AM in the City Council Chambers. 


Contact Us

Get involved in shaping downtown Grandville! Join the DDA in driving growth and improvements. Together, we make a difference!